If you are divorcing with minor children here in California, you may wonder what role the kids have — if any — in the custody decisions that you and their other parent are making. While the state has laws in place designed to shield kids from the harsher...
How do I know when it’s time to file for divorce?
Marriages definitely have their ups and downs over the course of a couple's life together. That's why it can be difficult to determine whether you are just in the trough of a bad wave or need to disconnect your marriage from life support and file for divorce.If you...
Are you prepared financially and emotionally for divorce?
When you are a parent facing divorce, you have different challenges ahead than couples who divorce but have no children. Not only do you have to manage the plethora of emotions that you experience with your divorce, but you also have to be able to defuse your...
Are you mentally prepared for your divorce?
No one should decide to divorce hastily, as this is a big decision with many repercussions — especially if you have children with your spouse.Sometimes, however, divorce is inevitable. But before pulling the plug on a bad marriage, ask yourself these questions:...
Blind-sided by divorce? We can help
You certainly weren't expecting to get served with divorce papers, yet here they are in your hands. You agree that you and your spouse may have grown a bit distant from one another lately. You may even have had some serious fights.But you never dreamed that these...
How does divorce impact a pension for public workers?
Property division is an important part of a California divorce. Issues related to property can lead to disputes throughout the process. While the most prominent disagreements are often linked to high-value items like a home, a business or valuable collectibles,...
How are personal injury damages split in property division?
California couples who are at the end of a marriage and getting a divorce will often have various levels of dispute about property division. Frequently, the law will have specific rules to address most issues. Some of the more common assets and properties that will...
Post-holiday divorce is common across the nation
Family issues and the decision to divorce can come about at any time of year. However, there are certain times of the year when divorce is more common. Californians who are in the middle of a dispute with their spouse and are contemplating the end of a marriage might...
Former football star and wife heading for high asset divorce
Celebrity divorces are common throughout California. In these prominent situations, financial concerns will frequently dominate the headlines and people who are not famous or are of lesser means might be under the impression that the case cannot be considered in the...
What principles does the state use with child support guidelines?
Child support can be an issue rife with emotions and disputes as a California couple moves forward with a divorce. There is a seemingly endless list of factors that are considered in the context of how much will be paid, and it is essential for both parties to...