People receive guidance from a variety of individuals throughout their lives. Be it from our parents, bosses, high school coaches and teachers; advice on how to tackle something is often invaluable. A rather recent development in California, and around the country,...
Month: September 2012
California treasurer’s wife granted some visitation rights
One of the most difficult things about separating from a partner occurs when children are involved. Determining who gets the children and when are incredibly difficult decisions and often the reason why the divorce process is long and contentious. However, in a lot of...
Dividing real property in the event of divorce
When it comes to divorce, California is a community property state. This means that for purposes of property division, any assets acquired by either spouse during marriage are jointly owned by the two. Thus, in the event of divorce, commonly owned property is divided...
Changing one’s name after divorce
We've all either experienced or known someone who has gotten a divorce. Thus, we all also know that in an increasingly gender equal society, the terms of divorces are also changing. The way property division works, alimony awarded and child custody determined is a...