Divorce is an experience that provokes intense emotions. For some people, it can be downright traumatic. Parents preparing for divorce often need support so that they can handle their own emotions while continuing to meet their children's needs. In some cases, they...
3 hidden costs people need to watch for during a divorce
Many of the costs associated with divorce are well-known and predictable. Divorcing spouses know they have to pay for their time in court and the representation of their attorneys. Those with children understand that they may have to pay child support depending on how...
How to calculate self-employed income during divorce
Financial disclosure is an important part of any divorce. Spouses have to review their resources, income and financial obligations to make the right decisions. Especially in scenarios where spouses intend to pursue alternative dispute resolution rather than a...
Why is California the most expensive state for divorce?
People generally understand that divorce is an expensive process. However, some people pay far more to end the marriage than others. The level of conflicts involved in the divorce proceedings has a direct impact on the cost of the divorce process, as does the...
What to consider if you get a new job after divorce
The agreements reached in divorce regarding spousal and child support as well as child custody are typically a snapshot of where families are at the time that a couple decides to part ways. While divorcing couples should try to look ahead to prevent the need for...
What are the top reasons for divorce in 2023?
There’s good news and bad news when it comes to the state of marital unions in the United States these days. The good news is that divorce rates are dropping: Roughly four people out of a thousand could expect to get divorced back in the year 2000, but only 2.5 people...
How are stock earnings divided in a divorce?
California is a community property state, which generally means that couples need to split the value of their assets in half if they get divorced unless an exception applies to a particular asset that should be treated as separate property. A lot of couples have...
How to afford your kids’ activities and school costs post-divorce
Some experts estimate that it can take more than a million dollars in investment and lost wages to raise a single child to adulthood. Families that invest in private school, extracurricular activities and other forms of enrichment may spend well more than that. It is...
What renters should know about divorce
“Who gets the house?” has long been a hot question for divorcing couples. With the housing market being what it is today and good rentals harder than ever to come by, the new question many divorcing couples are asking is, “Who gets the apartment?” The answer may...
An ex harming your parenting relationship is reason to litigate
Typically, parents divorcing or separating in California will share custody. Both of them will have time with the children and some authority to make decisions. Most legal experts and psychologists will advise parents to keep the conflict as low as possible in custody...