There are few Californian married men or women who are comfortable with discussing the subject of pre-nuptial agreements with their spouses. Such discussions on their part mean that if their marriages come to an end, they have to go through the complex procedure of...
Month: May 2014
Settling child custody disputes through mediation
During or after a divorce, one of the most critical issues that separated parents in Los Angeles, California, have to deal with is creating a plan for parenting their child. It is difficult for many parents to spend all of their free time with their children and child...
Couple behind Hollywood fitness craze to divorce
As many divorcing parents in California can likely attest to, determining a child custody arrangement can be challenging. Parents do not always agree on what constitutes the best interests of the child. Disputes surrounding these matters can become heated, but they...
The difference between collaborative divorce and mediation
As many California residents are likely aware, the media thrives on broadcasting stories involving tumultuous and emotionally explosive divorces. While there is no doubt that divorce can be messy, this is not always the case. Amicable solutions are possible, though...