Nearly 40 million Californians are waking up to mandated home restrictions put in place by Gov. Gavin Newsom in a response to the coronavirus pandemic. Yet, still many others have to go to work at jobs that are considered essential.
For many divorced California parents, this creates a child care nightmare, as they have nowhere to take their children for responsible and reliable supervision.
These restrictions could lead to something that you may never have thought possible: Cooperating and collaborating with your former spouse to assure that the children’s needs remain met.
It’s said that all clouds have silver linings, and this might be it for this world-wide crisis, as people are faced with problems that they never before experienced. Of course, it is always prudent to abide by the child custody agreement that is in place for your children. But in these uncertain times, parents may find themselves having to think outside the box when trying to work and juggle impossible child care objectives.
Co-parents who are on good terms with one another may be able to seamlessly adjust their custody schedules to accommodate what appears to be the new normal for the foreseeable future. But not all parents are able to set aside their differences and reach accord. Remember, now is a time where civility toward one another is especially important.
If you are experiencing newfound problems with your custody agreement, you can contact your Pleasanton family law attorney. They may advise seeking an emergency modification to the parenting plan that is in place so that you remain compliant under the law.