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A local lawyer can help resolve California child support issues

On Behalf of | Mar 5, 2015 | Child Support |

Divorced residents of Oakland and Alameda, California, might know first-hand all the varying ways a divorce can affect a child. A bitter divorce battle between the estranged couple can even affect a child’s physical and mental growth.

Many issues such as spousal support, child support, child custody, property division and so on should be resolved between spouses before the divorce is made final because continuing disputes can further deteriorate the working relationship between the spouses with regard to children.

If children are involved in a divorce, it is important for divorced parents to keep a healthy relationship going, so that children are protected as much as possible from the negative effects of divorce. Our law firm has been helping families and individuals resolve their family law-related issues in Pleasanton, California, for more than 25 years.

We use all available legal avenues, such as mediation, collaborative laws and other alternative dispute resolution, to help our clients retain working relationships with their ex-spouses and find amicable resolutions to their divorce-related issues — including child support. We handle all type of family law issues and we believe in providing the best, most efficient and amicable solutions to our clients. If all options fail, we are prepared to protect best interests of our clients at trial.

For child support cases, we help our clients understand the guidelines that govern California child support and clearly outline their effects. We have significant experience in calculating child support payment amounts as per California child support guidelines. We use the same software that is used by courts in calculating child support amount.

Our firm can also help clients modifying existing child support orders, if there has been a significant change in the circumstances of either or both spouses.


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John T. Chamberlin, Attorney at Law
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