In the final weeks and months of your marriage, it may have seemed as if the two of you couldn’t agree on anything together. Ultimately, this intransigence and refusal to meet each other halfway took its toll on the union between you and led to your marriage’s demise.
You may believe that it will not be possible to mediate your divorce. But before you slam the door on a mediated divorce, understand how it could work well to your advantage.
Most couples who mediate their divorces aren’t initially on the same page with all their issues. What brings them to the table for mediation is the desire to avoid some of the nastier aspects of a litigated divorce. Mediation allows the two of you to hash out sensitive subjects like child custody, spousal support and the division of property in a safe space moderated by a trained mediator. When the topic is a hot button, the mediator can skillfully defuse the situation and redirect the spouses to find a common solution.
Perhaps the best thing about a mediated divorce is that in most cases, the participants don’t wind up literally at one another’s throats over unresolved issues. Your mediator can move between teams of you and your attorney and your spouse and their counsel. Each session is designed to bring the two of you closer to a resolution, but litigation is still possible if the two of you fail to reach an accord.
Another reason to consider mediation is that it is cheaper for both spouses. Attorneys charge higher rates to litigate cases, and there are also court costs and other associated fees.
Do you think that you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse are good candidates for divorce mediation? Your Pleasanton family law attorney can offer guidance and advice.