While career choices are not the deciding factor on whether a marriage will succeed or end, research examining the frequency of divorce in various jobs can be useful for Californians and people across the nation. A new survey from the U.S. Census Bureau shows which jobs have the highest incidence of divorce in the U.S. This information can be beneficial to people who are having problems in their marriage and are contemplating the issues contributing to marital discord as they determine whether the end of a marriage is at hand or it can be salvaged.
In the study, it was discovered – unsurprisingly – that finances were a big issue for couples who decided whether to stay together or part ways. Those who have the highest divorce rate are gaming managers at casinos at 52.9 percent. Right behind them are bartenders at 52.7 percent. Others on the list are metal and plastic machine employees, telemarketers, and flight attendants.
Those who were in jobs that had low rates of divorce included two categories of medical professionals (surgeons and physicians), scientists, and chemical engineers. For those who worked in jobs that had a median income of $97,000 divorce happened only 17 percent of the time. People who are unemployed have a higher rate of divorce that people with jobs. This is believed to be due to bills for health care and everyday expenses. The absence of stability in a job is believed to be a bigger issue than low income.
This does not necessarily mean that those working in these jobs will get a divorce or people who work in jobs that have a low incidence will not, but when there is an ongoing dispute in a relationship, the career could be a consideration. When thinking about divorce, there is much to address including children, property, alimony, support and more. Having legal help is a foundational necessity and a lawyer experienced in divorce can be imperative.
Source: losangeles.cbslocal.com, “Bartenders, Telemarketers Among Jobs With Highest Divorce Rate,” Dec. 19, 2017