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Is divorce mediation right for you?

On Behalf of | Mar 31, 2017 | Divorce Mediation |

Divorces are often misconstrued as contentious, expensive, and long-lasting – all egged on my attorneys on both sides. But the reality is that divorces get complicated because spouses are unable to resolve their differences. There are plenty of divorces that are resolved out of the courtroom, through alternative dispute methods. This post will go over divorce mediation and whether it is right for you.

Mediation can be cheaper, faster, and more pleasant way to settle a divorce. Its supporters often tout the collaborative nature of the process as a way to heal post-divorce relationships, which is especially critical if you have children or other matters that will keep you engaged into the future.

The first question you should ask, is, do you want to communicate with your ex-spouse? Many people are unable to talk directly to their spouse once the divorce is in play. In that situation, divorce may not be right for you. Divorce mediators usually require the parties to either engage directly or through a proxy.

Another issue that frequently comes up is how you feel about your ex-spouse. Specifically, does your ex-spouse frighten or intimidate you? Mediation only works if both parties feel they can communicate openly. Once one spouse begins bullying the other into a settlement, the process breaks down.

Finally, what can you afford? Mediation is cheaper, yes, but only if it works. If the mediator is unable to resolve your differences, you will need to go file for traditional divorce, therefore, you have increased your costs.

If you are considering divorce, you should consult with an attorney before you act. Family law mediation is a viable option for many couples. As stated above, mediation is a viable option, but it isn’t right for everyone. A lawyer can help you determine the best method to pursue your divorce. You don’t need to go through this alone; an attorney can guide you.


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