Californians who are ending a marriage and have children will generally have child support as part of the final order. The amount that is paid is calculated based on myriad factors. In many instances, however, the paying parent or the receiving parent would like to...
Year: 2017
A lawyer is essential when negotiating through collaborative law
Not every California divorce is contentious with the couple battling over every single issue large, medium and small. Since going to court can only exacerbate problems and add to the emotional stress, it can be useful to talk about factors that might be negotiable. In...
Considering divorce? Think about these quick questions
You've been considering divorce as an option for a while, but you haven't told your spouse. You aren't sure if you want to violate the contract you made to your spouse, but in many ways, you don't see another option.Before you talk to your spouse, there are a few...
At the end of a marriage, when can I get an annulment?
Californians are no stranger to divorce. Many marriages come undone for a variety of reasons and, in a vast number of cases, the sides are better off parting ways than dealing with the endless dispute and emotions that accompany a failing marriage. Some cases,...
How will child support be calculated in California?
For California couples who are at the end of a marriage and have children, the issue of child support is unavoidable. Once it is determined which parent will have custody, the other parent might be obligated to pay child support. A common question that both parents...
When might prenuptial agreements be unenforceable?
For Californians who have prenuptial agreements, there can be concerns from both sides as to its enforceability. From the perspective of the spouse who has the assets that he or she would like to protect and the perspective of the spouse who believes he or she is not...
Should I respond to a divorce petition in California?
When a person in California is served with a divorce petition, he or she must decide whether to respond to it or not. Failure to respond will result in the process being a default or an uncontested case. There is a difference between simply not responding and not...
You can both mediate and litigate your divorce
Divorce is such a 20th century convention. Alternative dispute resolutions like mediation have transformed the family law industry and saved countless families the extended drama of a protracted divorce. If you are in a foundering marriage and looking for an escape...
What are the different types of orders for visitation rights?
For California parents who have ended their relationship with their spouse or partner, the relationship with their child will still need to continue. Visitation rights can be a complex and problematic issue, and the best interests of the child are paramount. Some...
Spousal support basics in California
Spousal, or partner, support is a payment from one former spouse to the other typically following a divorce. This type of support is referred to as spousal support when a married couple divorces and partner support when two domestic partners in California divorce. To...