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Divorce mediation can reduce stress in divorce

On Behalf of | Aug 2, 2013 | Divorce Mediation |

While there are many challenges a person may face in life, divorce can be one of the most difficult. With so many life-changing factors involved in the separation process, including the loss of a relationship both spouses once promised would be for life, child custody issues and property division, divorce can be a traumatic experience for all involved. This is why it is so important to make a conscious effort to get through the process in the most non-adversarial way possible. Fortunately, for Oakland and Bay Area couples, there are non-adversarial options available, including divorce mediation.

Engaging in amicable approaches to the divorce process can spare innocent bystanders, such as children, from serious emotional trauma. It can also spare the spouses from an unnecessarily long divorce process and stressful situations.

There are numerous ways to avoid a contentious divorce. Some suggestions include avoiding the temptation to engage in vengeful behavior, avoiding extreme and negative behavior, and keeping the best interests of the children in mind at all times. All of these efforts can help encourage productive discussion between separating spouses as well as reducing the stress experienced by the children.

Another potentially helpful approach to divorce involves pursuing alternate dispute resolution options. Divorce mediation is one such option that more and more couples are using as an alternative to a potentially contentious court process. In divorce mediation, a neutral mediator helps facilitate the parties in coming to an agreement.

Whatever approach one uses in divorce, keeping in mind what is best for one’s sanity and children is the most important thing to keep in mind.

Source: Wicked Local, “Family Matters: Divorces can be messy for the entire family,” Diana Boggia, July 25, 2013.


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