Technological advances have made life a lot easier for most Californians. Thanks to technology like the internet, smart phones and GPS, we have a wealth of information at the touch of a button. Another useful form of technology we can add to this list is smart phone applications for divorce. As one previous post has mentioned, new phone applications now strive to ease the stress of divorce by assisting couples in determining property division, child support and child custody arrangements. Reduced stress can lead to a higher likelihood of engaging in a collaborative divorce process.
These smart phone applications provide answers to commonly asked questions, assist separating couples in determining how their property will be divided and indicate ideal child custody arrangements. However, in reality, these applications are only one element in the assistance needed to obtain a divorce. There is also the legal aspect involving court filings, hearings and divorce decrees. While applications may help one obtain information on divorce, it will not make the separating couple agree on the terms of the divorce. This is where divorce mediation may be helpful.
Divorce mediation is an alternative to a court hearing used to determine separation details during divorce. A knowledgeable mediator is present to guide the individuals in coming to decisions in a collaborative manner. Mediation can be an ideal option for couples who want a less adversarial setting than the courtroom.
Smart phone applications may not be the ultimate solution to divorce problems, but it can assist in getting organized on separation issues including property division, child custody and alimony payments. Combine these helpful applications with the assistance of an attorney and the right divorce process, and the experience may not be as awful as many expect.
Source: The Huffington Post, “Divorce Help: 5 Apps To Make Your Split Less Stressful,” Kelsey Borresen, Oct. 22, 2012