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A Voice Of Reason During The Turmoil Of  Family Law Disputes

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Helping You Through The California Divorce Process

Are you facing a divorce in California? Do you have questions about how to resolve issues with a separation or dissolution from a domestic partner? If you are ending a relationship and you or your partner live in California, seek the help of an experienced California divorce lawyer.

At the Pleasanton law firm of John T. Chamberlin, Attorney at Law, I can help you. I have been helping individuals and families resolve disputes involving the divorce process — and all other issues of marital and nonmarital splits — since 1986.

Common Factors Of Divorce, Separation And Dissolution

Ending a relationship can be very difficult whether or not you are married. During your initial consultation, we will discuss many factors that may or may not be present in your unique situation. These may include:

  • Child custody, support and visitation
  • Contested versus uncontested divorce
  • Division of personal and business assets
  • Spousal support rights and obligations

Your Dispute Resolution Alternatives

In an effort to help alleviate the stress that a family law or divorce dispute can add to your life, I emphasize mediation and other nonlitigious means of dispute resolution. In California, there are a few alternative dispute resolution (ADR) options you may pursue when trying to amicably resolve your divorce, separation or dissolution of a domestic partnership. These include:

  • Mediation
  • Collaborative law
  • Arbitration
  • Private judge alternatives

While your goal may be to resolve your divorce or separation as amicably as possible for your sake and the sake of your children, sometimes that is not possible. In these situations, I will apply more than 30 years of courtroom experience to your case, helping you obtain the best possible outcome.

Post-Divorce Matters

When you obtain your final divorce decree, it does not always mean the end of the matter. A change in circumstances — yours, your children’s or your ex-spouse’s — may require a modification of your divorce settlement. Job loss, remarriage, relocation of a parent and other issues may lead you or your ex-partner to request a change to support obligations or custody and visitation arrangements. I can help you if a post-divorce issue arises, such as enforcement of a divorce decree provision, nonpayment of support or other post-divorce matters.

Contact Me Today To Get Started

No matter your issues, call me at 925-271-5650 or contact me online to schedule a consultation. Learn about your options and alternatives today.

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John T. Chamberlin, Attorney at Law
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