Divorcing couples may sometimes be unaware of the impact their divorce can have on their children. Some simple pointers concerning how to talk young children during divorce can be helpful. It is important to explain the divorce process in straightforward and simple...
Year: 2015
Post-divorce child support modifications may be available
Life is full of changes and life following divorce is not any different. Life changes can alter the relevance or applicability of divorce orders related to child support, child custody or other divorce-related concerns. Parties may encounter the need to care for a...
Understanding child custody in California
Child custody is a common term used in reference to the rights and responsibilities parents have when sharing parenting duties and responsibilities. Child custody refers to the care of the children, and visitation refers to the time each parent will spend with the...
What are the potential benefits of divorce mediation?
The American Bar Association has dubbed the third week of October as "mediation week" and in light of that, some individuals may be wondering what mediation is and how it can help them, especially when it comes to divorce. Mediation is a process that assists and...
Ending a marriage or domestic partnership in California
Most people in California understand that a divorce, or a dissolution of marriage, ends a marriage or domestic partnership. Following a divorce, the parties are considered single and are free to marry again or enter into a domestic partnership. California is a...
What is collaborative divorce?
In some circumstances, like where the parties litigate every issue, divorce can be a financially costly experience. One type of divorce process that can be more cost effective is a collaborative divorce. Because one of the primary drivers of divorce costs is disputes...
Ex Clippers owner, Sterling, files for divorce in California
This blog recently discussed the role alimony, or spousal support, plays in many California divorces. In addition to some of the concerns that may arise during the divorce process related to spousal support, high asset divorces can lead to increased complexities...
Understanding spousal support in California
Spousal support, also referred to as alimony, can be an important issue in most divorces. Unfortunately, the issue may also lead to acrimony between the divorcing spouses in some circumstances. As can be expected, there may be disputes concerning the paying of spousal...
Same-sex couples may face discrimination in child custody cases
Same-sex couples in California may have adopted children and many may have biological children through assisted reproduction, but when it comes to child custody disputes, they are still subject to discrimination of a certain kind. Many gay or lesbian residents may...
Divorce mediation — an amicable way to settle disputes
There may be many couples in California whose marriages are in trouble, and filing for divorce seems to be the best possible option. However, there is no denying the fact that divorce often turns bitter inside and outside of court. The discord may permanently damage...